Clarence Center Preschool is a family owned and operated preschool center that offers educational, interactive and fun programs for children ages 18 months - 3rd grade.
Celebrating 33 Years in 2025!

Clarence Center Preschool is a family owned and operated preschool center that offers educational, interactive and fun programs for children ages 18 months - 3rd grade.
Celebrating 33 Years in 2025!
Our school serves children from ages 18 months – 5 years old, as well as our after school program for students at Clarence Center Elementary and Ledgeview Elementary. We have four classrooms that are specifically equipped for age appropriate development and an overall inviting environment to allow each child to develop and meet new challenges with great excitement and confidence.
Our certified teachers will give them the individual attention they need to learn at their own pace and grow socially and emotionally. Our outdoor spaces consist of specially built structures to enhance play. We have a train, jungle gym with swings, ladders and slides, sandbox, vegetable garden and picnic area. All of these amenities add to the outdoor learning experience for everyone. Fresh air, social interaction and use of large motor skills are important to every child's development.
The main focus of our programs is to help each child reach their full potential at a pace that is comfortable for them. Our educated, trained and caring teachers implement a well planned schedule with various activities to enrich your child's experience. This will give them a positive outlook on their own abilities and help them to succeed in their daily challenges.
At this age development is all about exploration, individuality and socializing with others. Our staff promotes language skills through song, story and imitation. Group and individual activities promote cognitive growth and help the little ones meet new challenges.
Fun activities in a safe, loving play environment are all part of your child’s day. Our separate outdoor area for the smaller toddlers is scaled just for their size, giving them a great space for large motor movement and fresh air.
This room is divided into different areas of learning that are appropriate for their development. They learn through a well planned program with time for free play in a safe and organized classroom. Our trained staff helps children to explore and challenge themselves in the areas of language development, social skills, and large and small muscle coordination. This allows the children to become more independent in their own space.
Our program is successful in helping each child rise to the best of his/her abilities and develop a positive self image, which is so important at this stage of growth. Program begins promptly at 9:00 am.
This room prepares the children for the transition into preschool, with all the new challenges and higher expectations that go with it. Problem solving in everyday life and all the social challenges that come with this age are a part of our focus.
Science, language and cultural arts, math concepts and special relationships are included in this grouping. We feel our program enhances the self esteem of each child as their individuality grows.
Program begins promptly at 8:00 am.
We offer Universal Pre-Kindergarten through the Clarence Central School District's lottery program, which is coordinated and funded by the district for 5 hours x 5 days a week. You are able to extend to "wrap around" care for the hours before and after for your child, although not funded by the district. Our UPK programs run Monday - Friday from 8:00am - 1:00pm and 11:00am - 4:00pm following the district school calendar. The AM & PM UPK classes both use the same UPK curriculum planned with our teachers and the Clarence Central School District.
For children in Kindergarten through 3rd grade who attend Clarence Center Elementary and Ledgeview Elementary, we offer an after school program. CCE will bus the children to our preschool directly after school and we provide a pick-up service for Ledgeview to bring the children back to our center.
Our staff understands that after a full day of school the children need a space of their own to unwind and enjoy different friendships. We instill basic values in our group and try to influence the positives of self respect, responsibility and compassion.
There is a planned calendar of group activities each month and we make time for homework to be done, if needed. They will enjoy games, sports, art, cooking and more! We have separate rooms for each individual's interests including our game room, lounge area for reading, homework, games, puzzles, art room, science and block room and large Kitchen for cooking classes. Our large outdoor environment is perfect for running, swinging, soccer and plenty of fresh air.